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Doug and Pat Show P90 Shootout #2

Dang these noisy little pickups can make some great sounds! But how great? Let’s listen to four sets in a ’95 Gibson Les Paul Special and compare them to a real deal ’56 Les Paul Special. Pickups from Reilander, Organic, Onamac Windery and ThroBak all weigh in on P90 tone, all with a little bit something different going on. And just because you asked us, a ’63 Gibson Melody Maker just for fun.

Doug and Pat Show Humbucking Shootout 9

Doug and Pat return with five new PAF style humbucking pickup demos and as always will be comparing them to the original PAF equipped 1958 Les Paul goldtop tone machine known as “Oscar”. Let’s check out the Duncan Antiquity set, Geppetto Nomad set, Onamac Windery Top Shelf set, Rheilander Muckbucker and from Chile the Organic Stigma. How do they do? Let’s find out in spite of all the danger.

The Doug and Pat Show on The Telecaster

Doug and Pat get off the PAF train long enough to take a look and a listen to the Grand Daddy of electric guitars, the Fender Telecaster. A bit of history and some playing of a couple early fifties Teles, a ’60 Custom, a new ’52 reissue and more. Some vintage amps thrown in for perspective and a whole lot of rambling on and snappy patter as well. Get on board, this Telecaster train is leaving the station and you just might enjoy the ride. Special thanks to Jon Koonce, Mark Spangler and John at the “Petting Zoo” for the nice rigs.