Category Archives: Doug’s Blog

Doug’s blog

Finally got the new show posted.

September 27th

It took over 14 hours to upload Humbucking Shootout #6 but it finally worked. How can this be you might be thinking?  Because I’m on the road with my wife in our small travel trailer touring the SW part of the US and getting a good WI-FI connection is not so easy in a RV park. Sure, we have a nice spot, full hookup of course (we’re not barbarians) and an ear shot distance from some folks living near by who yell at each other at the top of their lungs constantly.  But I need this type of environment to edit the next one in the absence of Pat and his hyper critical sarcastic snide remarks.  OK, I said it, the world needed to know.  I can understand why Jason Lollar would have a hard time being around him but we’ll be seeing about that. More later.


Trying to post a new show on the road.

September 23rd

I’m out here in Durango, Colorado as part of my two month travel trailer tour and as mentioned before, we have two new shows ready to go.  The problem at this point is to find a WI-FI connection that allows me to post it as it’s a huge file.  I’ve tried twice in two different locations but I’ll try again in a day or two at another location. If I go to a place that has a good connection it will still take about four hours which I don’t really have to just sit around.  To bad too because they’re both good shows, but I’ll persevere.  Meanwhile Pat is lining up new stuff for filming as soon as I’m back unless the rumors I’m hearing are true and the next show will be The Pat Show.  Damn him and his devious ways.  Doug

Doug is on Vacation

September 14th –  Doug on vacation.

As promised I am out in the great wide open with the mini-camper exploring the great area of Utah and it’s natural wonders. I took a stripped down Strat parts guitar to practice on so that my fingers don’t get soft. I won’t be back until the end of October but the good news is Pat and I filmed two more shows with a stellar set of eight humbucking pickups that should rock your world. Editing video on the road is kind of fun and in about a week I think I’ll post a new one so stay tuned.  Meanwhile we’re getting lots of comments and emails from around the world full of new ideas for future shows as well as a few surprises of our own. We will be sharing old photos from “Back In The Old Days” when we could play what are now super expensive Les Paul’s in smoky seedy bars, and we did!  Now another cup of coffee and out for another hike in the Moab area.  Doug.